Bernoullis equation can be modified based on the form of energy it contains. At exit from the turbine P refers to products after the supplementary combustion and Mf2hf0 is the enthalpy flux of the entering fuel. Conservation Of Momentum Medical School Studying Conservation Of Mass Physics Formulas The total energy of a flowing matter θ which represents the sum of internal energy flow work kinetic energy and potential energy is introduced by Equation 146. . It is done is the result of the change in the kinetic energy of the fluid and the gravitational potential energy. The steady flow energy equation for the WHB is911Mf2hf0HP4λDHPSwhere 4 and S are the entry and exit states P refers to products entering ie. 41 Conservation of Mass The general balance equation can be written as. Although these restrictions sound severe the Bernoulli equation is very useful partly because it is very simple to use and partly because it can giv...